National Trust Database - Search Results

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Former ANZ Bank

Warrnambool Art Gallery

214 Timor Street and Cnr Kefler Street,, WARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280 - Property No B0905

Classified: 11/12/1958



Former ANZ Bank

87 Pall Mall,, BENDIGO VIC 3550 - Property No B1803

Built 1857. Original building had no verandah or balconies. Classified: 'State' Demolished: 1970.



Former E. S. & A. Bank

Car Showroom ,  Former ANZ Bank

705 Burke Road,, HAWTHORN VIC 3122 - Property No B4892

The Former E.S. & A. Bank, Camberwell Junction was erected in 1885. The contractor was Alfred George Moore and the architects were Wardell and Vernon. The two storey brick structure has a simple slate clad roof with stepped gables. The main entrance to the building is from Riversdale Road and is expressed by a projecting vestibule. The Burke Road elevation contains a centrally located bay window on the ground floor. Stylistically this bank is reminiscent of the Northern ... more



Former Bank of Australasia - Port Fairy Historic Area

Former ANZ Bank

24 Sackville Street and Cnr Cox Street,, PORT FAIRY VIC 3284 - Property No B0957

The former Bank of Australasia was constructed in 1857 to the designs of Nathaniel Billing. The contractors were McKenzie and McGowan. The Bank is one of the most important and distinctive buildings in Port Fairy. The two-storied bluestone structure is of substantial proportions and the structure is one of Billing's most important works and a fine building with regard to both detailing and design. The structure has an angled corner with projecting bluestone porch. There are ... more

